This is my first blog and first post (trumpet sound!). I hope this is entertaining and helpful to anyone who stumbles upon it.
I am an "older" mom with 2 small children. I have shared that I had my life planned and God laughed. Show me a person that is living their life as they planned it and I'll show you someone who has 2 children 18 months apart, a full time "male dominated" job, a husband that works shift work, and 2 step children, among a lot of other things.
I have realized as I turned 40, that Super Mom does not exist. I cannot give 100% to everyone. My work gets a part of me, my children, I hope get the biggest part of me, and my husband gets a part of me. Whatever is left of me, I get, which is not much when it's all said and done. If I gave everything I had to everyone, I'd simply go crazy. Which, after some of the days I've had, starts to seem like a good idea, since I would get some quiet time in a hospital, with people taking care of ME. Just kidding, really.
So, to any young mother, please realize that you can't be super mom. You can try, but she does not exist. She is a legend and a myth. God bless you for trying, though. Picture yourself as a pie and assign pieces to each part of your life. That is how much of you they get. "And they don't throw a fit."
By the way, the time I have spent here could have gone towards housework (because the kids are napping) but I fully realize the consequences and I don't care. The house will always need something. I am accepting a lot of things lately.
With age, comes wisdom.
I have to keep telling myself, "I am only one person" so I will tell you the same, "You are only one person!" :-))))