Lauren - fashionista

Lauren - fashionista

Saturday, February 11, 2012

To cater or not to cater? That is the question.

My daughter is entering into the having a friend sleepover stage. Her friend is no trouble at all. But MY 2 cherubs, whether it's my own fault for spoiling them (are they spoiled? I didn't mean to!) or the fact they are excited another playmate is in the house, seem to demand more when company is here. Mommy, I need this. Mommy, will you bring me that? Mommy, I can't find _____(fill in the blank of anything you just saw them with 30 seconds before.) I want their childhood, and that of their friend, to be happy and memorable, but where to draw the line of fetching & dropping everything to literally just be the 4th member of the play group? So what if the dishes don't get done, or the mail isn't gone through? We'll buy more paper plates & just pay the bills when stuff stops working. But I will have to disappear for at least 5 minutes to warm up lunch so they can eat. Can't survive on junk food from the pantry! Have you ever tried to load 3 PEZ dispensers while getting requests that the youtube video won't replay and the DVD movie needs restarted? And while you're at it, we are thirsty. I love my darlings! Why, they are so adorable as they nap. The next question: To nap or not to nap, that is another blog.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To Be A Kid Again

In this world of bad news & tragedies, I resolve to find the best in things. My children help me do that often. "Oh to be 4, again!" we all have said. The world is simple to them. Mom & Dad are superheroes. The 4 food groups are hotdogs, icecream, french fries, & chicken nuggets. They live to play. They don't have to ration their energy. Every new kid is a potential friend.

Thank you, God, for the unusually warm weather. Yes, it gives us something to talk about with complete strangers. And it has allowed us more blessed time outside in the fresh air. Yeah, there's a little mud tracked in the house but Drew can dig in the sand and Lauren can ride around on the patio. Fun overrides dirt.

Thank you for the wisdom of a child. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that life can be simple. Share. Say please & thank you. And the rest will fall into place.